Thursday, August 9, 2012

Google extends Online Searches to Gmail

In a bid to provide better and improved search option, the search engine giant Google has recently added some really interesting features to its Google search. Now, the Google search result will also provide texts from web-based email service Gmail.
"Sometimes the best answer to your question isn't available on the public web, it may be contained elsewhere, such as in your email, we think you shouldn't have to be your own mini search engine to find the most useful information; it should just work." Google search senior vice president Amit Singhal said in a blog post.
Of course the new feature has not completely taken shape. Google invited people to visit to sign up to take part in the new feature. Google wants to provide the answer to the actual query, a user digs for.
However, the trial was limited to English language searches and messages in Gmail accounts.
The up-gradation of Google search also bears other interesting and useful features.  The enhancements under development include a feature for organizing air travel confirmation emails so that a query of "my flights" would serve up results that include a to the point list of bookings.
Singhal further mentioned that these are all baby steps and they are going to provide bigger options in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. That’s an amazing news. I didn’t know earlier about Google’s this advancement. I am a regular user of Gmail so it might help me a lot with my daily professional emails. Thanks or sharing the information.
